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5-Day South Taiwan Itinerary 南台灣五日遊II
旅遊代號 EDUSD5KK02
旅遊主題 South Taiwan Trip
出發地點 Arrive Taiwan 高雄機場KHH
適用日期 Groups in 2017
旅遊類別 來台-Educational excursions
旅遊諮詢 李達晟 行動 / LINE ID 0977-250666 、886-4-35050166
行程特色 行程內容 每人費用 附註說明 旅遊錦囊 付款方式 安全手則  

Southern Taiwan has a long and interesting history, which differs from that of northern Taiwan in some ways. This itinerary will introduce participants to southern Taiwan. The south is more laid-back. The pace of life is slower here and the sun shines more often.

The region is renowned for its natural beauty, which includes rain forest, vast plains, rugged mountains, unspoiled beaches, and mangrove swamps. Participants will gain insights into some of these differences and also gain an appreciation for the Hakka culture, a significant cultural minority in the region.  


Amazing ! 得意        Taiwan Soya-mixed meat Museum       ● The Urban Spotlight Arcade

●The National Science & Technology Museum is a national social education organization committed to promoting technology education in society. The missions of the museum are the development, design and exhibition of different technology-related themes with an emphasis on key developments and their effect on human life.

Glazed Bead                                            ●Fantastic !大笑              ●Go-Kart Racing                               ●Mangrove

●Dapeng Bay is the largest inner bay in Taiwan, providing rich resources of sea animals and plants in this region. There are about 95 kinds of birds, including migratory birds. Fish include groupers, and other sea animals include a special kind of tide-waving crabs on the wetlands.

SAN-HE TILE KILN                                     E-DA WORLD ~ Ferris Wheel and the shopping mall ! 奮鬥

The San-He Tile Kiln was established by Mr. Li Anran circa 1918, named the Shunan Tile Kiln, which was merged, expanded and renamed as Yuanshunan Tile Kiln near the end of the Japanese rule. Now San-He Tile Kiln is trying to combine leisure, industry, culture and education not to just survive but to brighten and pass down the torch.

Enjoying making Hakka Tea (Lei Cha)                                                 Learning how to make pottery

Lei Cha, the wisdom of ancestors, is a bowl of hot steaming rice, topped with various vegetables, nuts and served with a bowl of slightly salty soup made of peanuts, herbs and green teas. The word Lei Cha means grounding of tea. Lei is an action of grinding and pounding of tea. Peanuts and sesame seeds are pounded and ground together with the herbs in a wooden mortar until very fine.

第1天 【Day1】Kaohsiung airport → Cijin Scenic Area → Liuohe Tourist Night Market

14:10●Arrive at Kaohsiung airport

15:00●Head to Cijin Scenic Area

15:00●Travel around Cijin,take the ferry to Gushan and taste the famous dessert Big

15:00Ball Crushed Ice(a ballsize of a basin containing ice for10 people)

15:00If time is allowed, one more spot will be added: Pier-2 ArtCenter  

17:30●Hotelcheck-inand freshen up

18:50●Headto Liuohe Tourist Night Market :dinner andshopping (at own expense)

21:00●Returnto hotel:PARIS HOTEL 巴黎商旅


************************Daily Itinerary notes************************************

【Cijin scenic area 】旗津風景區

travel around cijin, take the ferry to gushan and taste the famous dessertbig ball crushed ice(a ball size of a basin containing ice f10people)

if time is allowed, one more spot will be added: pier-2 artcenter 駁二藝術特區 http://pier-2.khcc.gov.tw/

it was once an abandoned and forgotten warehouse buried in history due tothe move from an industrial based segment to the service sector. however, witha group of persistent artist who injected waves of creativity and inspirationinto the area, the pier-2 area was released and re-born making the region aplace where tourist and locals can come to enjoy fine art. with the collisionof an old area and new fine art, pier-2 becomes an area of new vitality andliveliness.  

hotel check-in and freshen up

【Liuohe tourist night market】 六合觀光夜市 :dinner and shopping (at own expense)

Liouhe Night Market is one of the most famous night markets in Taiwan, also a noted tourism spot of Kaohsiung. Covering variety of street food, local flavor snacks and fresh seafood, restaurants and vendors are full of both side of the road. 

夜 宿  高雄巴黎商旅 Paris Hotel Kaohsiung { or another HTL in the same level }
餐 食 早餐: at own expense{X} 中餐: at own expense{X} 晚餐: Liuohe Tourist Night Market{at own expense}
備 註
第2天 【Day2】 National Science and Technology Museum → Soya-mixed meat Museum → Spotlight Arcade

08:00 ●Breakfast at hotel

09:00 ●Head to National Science and Technology Museum

12:30 ●Lunch in Kaohsiung

13:30 ●Head to Taiwan Soya-mixed meat Museum

16:30 ●Head to The Urban Spotlight Arcade

18:00 ●Dinner in Kaohsiung

************************Daily Itinerarynotes************************************

【National Science and Technology Museum】國立科學工藝博物館

The National Science & Technology Museum is a national social education organization committed to promoting technology education in society. The missions of the museum are the development, design and exhibition of different technology-related themes with an emphasis on key developments and their effect on human life.The Kaohsiung metropolitan area is home to heavy industries such as China Steel, China Shipbuilding Company, Taiwan Machinery, China Chemicals, refineries and power plants. The display of scientific principles and applications that complement the local heavy industries will not reap synergies in education but also enhance the cultural of the local industrial communities.

【Taiwan Soya-mixed meat Museum】台灣滷味博物館
Delightfully varied and savory, foods stewed with soy sauce -lu wei- have long been popular among the people of Taiwan. These local comfort foods have a down-home flavor that is sure to awaken excite your taste buds. With a philosophy of "healthy and safe eating," D.E. Chung Hua Foods is dedicated to letting the world experience the classic taste of Taiwan. What is the story behind this amazing undertaking? The thoughtful layout of Taiwan Soya-Mixed Meat Museum and fun hands-on activities add a welcoming, fascinating touch to our high-tech plant.

【The Urban Spotlight Arcade】城市光廊

Central Park, in the city center, constructed a shaded arcade with the smiling faces of 2001 citizens 18 meters long in 2001, creating a series of work with light as a theme, and travelers responded to it very positively. It was rebuilt in 2014 and an all-new culture and art space was created through a performance square, art trail, a few membrane structures and pieces of installation art. A total of 16 new themed installation works has been added. Many interactive pieces of installation art have revitalized the city, and the attached eating, drinking, and cultural spaces also provide space for art performances and pleasant leisure spaces.

夜 宿  高雄巴黎商旅 Paris Hotel Kaohsiung { or another HTL in the same level }
餐 食 早餐: breakfast at HTL {◎} 中餐: lunch in Kaohsiung {◎} 晚餐: dinner in Kaohsiung {◎}
備 註
第3天 【Day3】Pingtung Day Tour{Dragonfly Beads Art Studio → Shanchuan Glass Bridge → Dapeng Bay}

08:00 ●Breakfast at hotel

09:00 ●Head to Dragonfly Beads Art Studio

09:00 ●To do the Glazed Beads yourself

09:00 ●Stepping on the  glass bridge

12:30 ●Lunch in Pingtung

14:00 ●Head to Dapeng bay

14:00 ●Try Go-Kart Racing

14:00 ●Kayaking in Dapeng bay

14:00Vist Mangrove forest

18:00 ●Dinner in Pingtung

************************Daily Itinerarynotes************************************

【Dragonfly Beads Art Studio】蜻蜓雅築琉璃珠DIY

Remereman was born in Sandimen Township, Pingtung County.She is an indigene of Paiwan. Her aborigine name is Ri-meng-ri-man.
Remereman and her husband,Chen Fu-sheng, have great interests in lazurite beads. They think that lazurite beads have the artistic beauty and culture characteristics. Thus, they established "Dragonfly Glazed Beads."Through unceasing study and trial, they developed mature skils and techniques.Each lazrite bead needs to be burnt to mold through 700℃ to 1,200℃ to become a highest-grade bead. The craftsman Xiu-Ju that thinks that craftsman must be very patient, and able to tolerate high tenperature working environment, as well as the creativity and talent of matching colors. It is very difficult to find someone with all of these characters.

【Shanchuan Glass Bridge】山川琉璃吊橋
At a length of 262m it becomes longest suspension bridge in Taiwan.The Glass Bridge connects two townships of Majia and Sandimen, overlooked the magnificent mountain views. The bridge does not just come with a spectacular view; the bridge itself is a wonder. The bridge is covered with aboriginal arts.The body of the bridge is designed with the glass ball, representing Paiwan and Rukai. On both sides of the bridge, the glass decorations have in inlaid. In addition, there are also 24 story plates telling the compassionate stores. With the art of carving, visitors feel like walking through the corridor of stories.

The largest inner bay in Taiwan ~『Dapeng Bay』『大鵬灣』

Dapeng Bay is the largest inner bay in Taiwan, providing rich resources of sea animals and plants in this region. Redwoods and sea eggplants are growing by the sea; Ipomoea pes-caprae, Excoecaria agallocha, and Clerodendron inerme are all very famous. The animals in the Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area are mainly birds, fish and mollusks. There are about 95 kinds of birds, including migratory birds. Fish include groupers, and other sea animals include a special kind of tide-waving crabs on the wetlands.

【Go-Kart Racing】Go!賽車! 

Ready to experience how it feels like as an F1 racing driver? Find a good go-kart racing track, put on your helmet, learn a few things about controls, and you are ready to go!The time is around 10-15 minutes and it seems to be short. But you will feel sore arms because the structure of go-karts is very simple and you have to turn the steering wheel hard to make it turn. There is also a big amount of g-force happening on your body while cornering so it is not that easy to stay for more than 15 minutes on a go-kart for beginners. Do not worry if there is something wrong on the track. The track is not big and assistants will show up almost immediately to help you if anything happens on the track. Just enjoy the keen competition with your friends when it is go time!


The kayak is long and wide, so it is very stable, suitable for beginners. All you have to do is stretch your arms and legs, balance the paddle and you can go anywhere you want.

【Mangrove forest】紅樹林

The mangrove forest in Dapeng Bay is a lush green placeinhabited by tens of thousands of endangered mangrove plants. Its black mangrove trees are two stories high, and kandelia obovata, red mangrove, and large-leafed mangrove trees have also grown plenty of viviparous seedlings. More than 12 kinds of fiddler crabs from around Taiwan have been found in the mangrove forest.

夜 宿  高雄巴黎商旅 Paris Hotel Kaohsiung { or another HTL in the same level }
餐 食 早餐: breakfast at HTL {◎} 中餐: lunch in Pingtung {◎} 晚餐: dinner in Pingtung{◎}
備 註
第4天 【Day4】 Kaohsiung Day tour{SAN-HE TILE KILN → E-DA WORLD}

08:00 ●Breakfast at hotel
09:30 ●Head to SAN-HE TILE KILN
12:30 ●Lunch at E-DA Food court
14:00 ●Visit E-DA WORLD
14:00 ●Shopping at the E-DA Outlet mall
14:00 ●Enjoying riding the Ferris Wheel 

17:30●Check in

18:00●Dinner at E-DA Buffet Restaurant

************************Daily Itinerarynotes************************************


The Sanhe Kiln was established by Mr. Li Anran circa 1918, named the Shunan Tile Kiln, which was merged, expanded and renamed as Yuanshunan Tile Kiln near the end of the Japanese rule. After World War II, it was once again renamed as Sanhe Tile Kiln and the name remains to this day. During the 1960s-1970s, the architectural style of Taiwan went through gradual changes. Typhoon Thelma struck south Taiwan in 1977 and thus sped up further transformation, replacing tiles with new materials, by car the tile industry in Dashu to oblivion, with the exception of Sanhe Tile Kiln.In the year 2011, the official cultural creative team was formed dedicated in promoting the traditional craftsmanship. Combining with the concept of modern society art, ideas, way of living, new pieces of artwork were created with the same old methods like coasters, plates, card holders, lamps and even action figures. Presently, the tiles produced by Sanhe Tile Kiln are mainly for the restoration of historical buildings. Other than producing tiles and bricks, the kiln masons also devote themselves to ceramic creation as well as all sorts of dishes, while maintaining close collaboration with the renowned ceramic artist, Lin Jhaodi, in a quest for the renewal and rejuvenation of this traditional industry. It open many paths for the almost lost art, now San-He Tile Kiln is trying to combine leisure, industry, culture and education not to just survive but to brighten and pass down the torch.

【E-DA WORLD】義大世界
E-DA World is not only one of the best vacation spots of southern Taiwan, it is also the only complex in all of Taiwan that contains eight main categories〈 leisure, holiday, health-care, education, art, culture, shopping and real-estate development〉. This international vacation hotspot is the one and only location in Taiwan that combines five-star restaurant dining, extensive shopping, and theme park attractions. All of these features are made convenient and available to all of our visitors. At E-DA World you can experience the comfort, and convenience of Taiwan while enjoying the excitement of an international atmosphere. With romantic views from the light filled Ferris Wheel, and the excitement of a Greek Aegean Sea styled theme park, E-DA world gives you the feeling of being at a foreign Shangri la.

夜 宿  義大天悅飯店 E-DA SKYLARK HOTEL
餐 食 早餐: breakfast at HTL {◎} 中餐: E-DA Food court{at own expense} 晚餐: E-DA Buffet {◎}
備 註
第5天 【Day5】 Tobacco Cultivation → Pottery Studio → Kaohsiung airport

08:00 ●Breakfast at hotel7:30 

10:00 ●Head to Tabacco Cultıvatıon

12:00 ●Lunch at Salvia Café

14:00 ●Visit Meinong District, a Hakka area

14:00 ●Experience Hakka Culture: Meinong TobaccoCuring Barns and Pottery Studio

14:00 ●Pottery Making & Hakka Tea (Lei Cha)Experience (DIY)

17:30●Head to Kaohsiung airport

************************Daily Itinerarynotes************************************

【Tobacco Cultivation】種植菸草

Ever since the Japanese occupation period, Meinung has been important for its tobacco production. In 1938, the Japanese built 162 tobacco curing barns, and began the planned development of tobacco cultivation.

【Pottery Studio】陶藝工作室
Zhong Jianzhi, the child of a Meinung farmer, rebuilt an abandoned curing barn as a pottery studio. Another unused curing barn was made into are cording studio by a local band. Local painters are also using their pens and brushes to record the stories of the Meinung tobacco curing barns. 
Local literature and history groups plan to renovate curing barns into hostels, coffee shops, art studios or exhibition halls, to help tourism in rural villages. The younger generation of Meinung has revitalized the old tobacco curing barns that have been the companions of their families for 60 years. They have been turned into art objects as old-style pottery studios, or high-tech recording studios, or tourist attractions.

【Hakka Tea (Lei Cha)】客家擂茶
"Lei cha", a beverage made by grinding tea leaves along with other herbs, grains, nuts, and so on, is freshment served by Hakka people to their guests, and is rich with the hardworking spirit and practical knowledge of the Hakka.

夜 宿  
餐 食 早餐: breakfast at HTL {◎} 中餐: BBQ buffet {◎} 晚餐: on the airplane {◎}
備 註

Please contact Mr. Li(Dyson Li) for the price.

Skype : liyutsung

LINE : 0977250666

Telephone : +88643505-0366

Email : [email protected]

The itinerary can be customized according to the time you arrive at and depart from Kaohsiung Airport ! 得意

【Medical Considerations】用藥考量
Because each person’s medical history is unique, we advise all participants to seek professional medical advice regarding the itinerary that they are about to undertake. It is possible that participants will require vaccinations or medication before setting out on this journey. Family doctors are the best place to begin your enquiries.

Participants must ensure that their passports are valid for at least 6 months beyond the last date of travel associated with this intinerary. If it is not, the participant may be refused entry to the host country. Each passport must also have 2 clear pages for visas and official stamps/chops. Each participant is responsible for checking his/her own passport details.

【Packing List】裝箱單

Luggage 行李
● Travel light. Have only (1) suitcase to check-in and (1) small carry-on.
● Both bags must have identification tags (with your name, home address and telephone number).
● Any valuables should be in the carry-on bag.
● Carry-on luggage must not contain any sharp objects, or liquids.
● Check-in luggage must not contain lithium batteries.
Clothing 衣著
● Clothes appropriate for the climate and season (see climate section)
● Light rain jacket
●Sturdy walking shoes
●Comfortable footwear to wear during free time
●Underwear and socks
● Pyjamas
Health and hygiene Items 健康與衛生用品
● personal hygiene products (tooth brush, toothpaste, soap, deodorant, etc.)
● sunscreen and insect repellent
● any medication you normally take, in their original bottles with the prescription clearly indicated
● earplugs (communal sleeping can be loud)
Other Items 其他
● travel documents
● programme booklet
● one small day pack (this could also be your carry-on bag)
● camera, batteries, and memory cards
● electrical adaptor (see Programme Booklet for details)
● alarm clock
● pens and pencils
● reading material
● playing cards
● torch (flashlight)
●reusable water container
Do NOT bring any expensive watches or jewellery
Money 錢財
● sufficient money (in USD, or local currency) for souvenirs, soft drinks and snacks

銀行匯款: {台幣帳戶}
銀  行:台新國際商業銀行812 – 民權分行0665
戶  名:樂在其中旅行社有限公司
帳  號:2066-01-000-12408{共14碼}

银行汇款: {电汇人民币、美金、港币…等外币}
银  行:Bank: Taishin Internation Bank  (Code: 812)  SWIFTAddress:TSIBTWTP

          BankAddress: No.559, Minquan Rd., North Dist., Taichung City404, Taiwan(R.O.C.)

户  名:A/CName: 樂在其中旅行社有限公司 ENJOY TRAVEL AGENCY CO., LTD.

帐  号:A/CNo:  066-75-6064787{共12码}



【Travel safety tips】旅遊安全注意事項

●Keep your travel plans, including accommodation details, to yourself.

Do NOT hitch hike.

●Try not to travel at night.

●Avoid seedier areas of the cities you visit, especially at night.

●Ask your travel guide for advice on safe versus unsafe local areas.

●As a general rule, city streets that include children and women suggest the area is safe for families.

●Keep a photocopy of your passport and all other important documents in a safe place.

●Try to rely more on credit cards and travellers cheques than cash.

●If you are mugged, do not fight back. It is better to lose a few dollars and a wristwatch than get injured.

●Avoid incidents such as fights, riots or civil disturbances at all times.

【Transport safety tips】交通安全注意事項

●At the airport, watch for your suitcase as it appears on the carousel. 

Do NOT hang back and wait for the crowds to disperse - you might find that someone else has already taken your bag in the meantime.

【Hotel safety tips】旅館安全注意事項

●Take note of emergency exits, stairwells, fire escapes and emergency plans, just in case.

●Always lock your hotel door when retiring for the night. If there is a chain included, use it.

●When arranging to meet people you have never met before (such as business associates), wait for them in the lobby. 

 Do NOT ask them to come up to your room.